Developing Discipline Part 3 | Get Started With a Daily Routine

Here are Part 1 and Part 2 if you missed them! And the first live session is up in the On-Demand Technique Library if you missed it.

First of all, a great goal is to set up a daily habit for ourselves. Developing a daily habit is how we eventually reach larger goals that we might have.

Step 1 - Build Trust in Yourself

This requires confidence and trust. Confidence that you *can* do it, that you can actually do what you set your mind to every day, no matter what happens.

We need to build up the trust in yourself, that we will do it and make the time for ourselves!

If you have tried to build a daily routine before and have always given up when the going gets tough, you may not trust yourself. I know I didn't. So we need to build that trust back up.

Life will test you!

If COVID hasn't taught us that life will test us, I don't know what will!

Even in normal day-to-day, kids, pets, roommates, and spouses will pop up with unexpected issues. Family members will come out of the woodworking. Trips will be scheduled. School. Wildfires. Naysayers. Self-doubt. You name it! There will be things we never even thought of yet because surely 2020 (and life) has more in store for us.

But, each time you're tested is a time to re-commit to yourself and remember why you're doing it.

The tough times are precisely the time to keep going. When you need your habits and routines the most.

So, let's get started!

So for your first assignment, set yourself up to WIN.

Just knock it out of the park. Decide to do something every day that you love that's easy and quick and makes you happy. For me, as an example, it was putting on earrings.

Easy? Check.

Quick? Check.

Makes me happy? Check, check, and check!! (One for each of my 3 ear piercings!)

Pick something that you can WIN at, and do it for a while.

And then once you're confident in your ability to stick with it (it took me about a month I think), then you can replace it, or add onto it with something a little harder to do.

Think of it like building a "hook" to "hang" future habits on. So you've got your "hook" (putting on earrings) and then right after or before that, you can add another thing and tweak it until you've got an awesome routine.

Step 2:

And then, (the hardest part) just keep doing it. There may not be results right away, but your discipline will show through and pay off. It may not pay off when YOU want it to, but it will.

I've never seen anyone KEEP showing up, week after week, and NOT reach their goals. But I've seen a lot of people quit.

Julie GillComment