Myths About Starting Ballet as an Adult

There are a lot of myths out there around ballet as it relates to adult dancers. Most of us have believed at least one at some point in our ballet journey. Let’s take a look at some of these myths so we can help dissolve them! At Broche Ballet, we believe every adult, no matter age, body time or previous experience (or lack thereof) can learn ballet!

Myth: I’m too clumsy and not flexible or graceful!

As a late bloomer in the dance community, my first thoughts walking into my first dance class were that I was way too clumsy and not flexible enough to be doing this. It’s hard to imagine oneself being as graceful and effortless as the ballet dancers we see on stage, especially when you’re starting at the age of most pre-professional or professional dancers. If you feel that you are too clumsy, you’re not! The ease and grace that ballet dancers exude takes many, many hours of hard work and commitment. This doesn’t mean it is not obtainable! Just like all things ballet, with a lot of dedication and practice, it can be done.

More on this topic:

Ever wondered what it means to be graceful in ballet? Our studio owner, Julie, breaks it down in this video!

Myth: I’d be forced to dance with kids and teenagers

Once I wanted to join a ballet studio, I was worried that I would be put in the same level as young kids in order to learn the basics. This does not have to be the case! If you are worried about dancing as an adult in a children’s studio, you don’t have to! My students and I are lucky enough to have an entire studio dedicated to adult ballet dancers of all levels. Before I found Broche Ballet, I didn’t know this type of ballet environment existed, but it is becoming more and more popular! If you can’t find an all-adult studio in your area, there are still plenty of studios who offer adult programs in addition to their children’s classes! This myth is one that I hear a lot, and it is important for adult ballet dancers to know that they have several options! 

More on this topic:

Ever wanted to know the difference between what’s like to teach ballet to adults versus kids? Julie, breaks it down in this short video!

Myth: If I didn’t start when I was five, I won’t be good at it

    Working in an adult studio has taught me the exact opposite. Not only have most of our student dancers started doing ballet in their adult years, but several of our instructors as well! We are proof that you can start ballet as an adult and not just get the basics, but thrive! I have watched so many of my students who started dancing at Broche buy their first ever pair of pointe shoes after having danced for a total of one year! Of course, you don’t become “good” overnight, but with hard work and persistence, you can certainly achieve your ballet goals as an adult!

More on this topic:

Check out this short video with one of our other instructors, Kristen, who talks about starting ballet late and how learning ballet as an adult can be fun!

Bottom Line: These myths are not true!

Once I became a ballet teacher for adult beginners, I learned that not only were these myths commonly believed, but they deterred many dancers from starting ballet for a long time. When it comes down to it, these myths are really just fears and reservations that we have about starting something new. So set your goals, work hard, and be kind to yourself!

Let’s dance!

Want to give ballet a try? Follow along with Julie as she guides you through a quick preview lesson to get you familiar with ballet! In this video, you'll see exactly what you'll go over during your first free 30 minute private lesson here at the Broche Ballet studio!

To schedule your own appointment and meet Julie for yourself, use this link below. We look forward to dancing with you!

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