Exercises and Tips to Improve your Pirouettes

The notorious pirouette turn! Many of us have watched in awe as a professional ballerina whips out so many turns we lose count! Love them or not, pirouettes are one of the most popular turns in ballet. Used in multiple variations and combinations, pirouettes are very technically challenging turns to perfect. 

Do you want “Better Pirouettes”?

Let’s be honest: we all want “better” pirouettes! These turns can be scary for lots of dancers, causing what we like to call at Broche, “the pirouette panic”. Although it’s easy to get stuck in your head when it comes to turning, there are ways to combat those struggles. Join Julie as she shows you how to improve your technique with pirouettes!

Mastering a Pirouette

Have you been struggling to land a single turn or even your first pirouette? We got you covered! Follow-along as we talk through three tips to help you master a pirouette.

En dedans Pirouettes

There are two main types of pirouettes: en dehors (outside turns), and en dedans (inside turns). Some dancers find one to be more tricky than the other, but both require a lot of focus and technique. In this video, we will focus specifically on the en dedans pirouettes, and how to do them.

Spotting and Turning

Spotting is essential when it comes to turning. This enables dancers to do multiple turns without getting overly dizzy. Like all techniques in ballet, spotting takes practice to get efficient at and requires a lot of focus. Join Julie as she talks about how to overcome the fear of turning, and her tips on how to turn without getting dizzy!

Let’s dance!

We know pirouettes can be difficult and sometimes discouraging, but don’t give up! With lots of practice, the hard work pays off!

Julie GillComment